Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ideology of the Big Brother, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth.

Ideology of the Big Brother, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth.

    You make a good point.
    Not all regular Humans are the same.
    The Old School Regular Humans have trouble getting what the Transition from Fourth World to Fifth World remade society is all about.
    The New School Regular Humans of Good Will can exert ALL of their potential, and for some of these New School Regular Humans, their full potential is awesome. What you call Extraordinary Humans.
     Let's not forget that those of Homo Sapiens Sapiens heritage are still second-generation hybrids with some admixture of Star Visitor genes.
    Just because they're not third-generation hybrids (Star Kids/Seeds) does not mean they are not to be respected as great potential helpers in the effort to reform and transform our global society.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


    There are a lot of quizzes out there of dubious validity purporting to measure one's being a Star Seed or not.
    For a genuine test which I stand behind with my enormous professional experience is my Star Kid/Star Seed Identification Questionnaire. You can find it at: www.drboylan. com/starkididqst nr.html
    Take it and tell me your overall score, and then I may have some additional information for you.
    By the way, that dark craft with slanted wings that made some noise was not a starcraft but rather a Cabal back-engineered antigravity craft. The Cabal are engaging in a number of deception operations currently, such as the one you witnessed.
    For a listing of some Cabal antigravity craft, see: http://www.drboylan .com/xplanes2. html
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

    There are a lot of quizzes out there of dubious validity purporting to measure one's being a Star Seed or not.
    For a genuine test which I stand behind with my enormous professional experience is my Star Kid/Star Seed Identification Questionnaire. You can find it at: www.drboylan. com/starkididqst nr.html
    Take it and tell me your overall score, and then I may have some additional information for you.
    By the way, that dark craft with slanted wings that made some noise was not a starcraft but rather a Cabal back-engineered antigravity craft. The Cabal are engaging in a number of deception operations currently, such as the one you witnessed.
    For a listing of some Cabal antigravity craft, see: http://www.drboylan .com/xplanes2. html
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Mariana however, has sense of humour and knows that all this is Dr. Sauna, cheap circus.

Dear Karen,

You're very welcome.

Your question has such a simple answer: The role of Humans of Good Will here is to live, to love, to learn and to grow. This is your home, your rule is to find better ways to live here, to be happy. Star Seeds are here to help out, we are here for you, but we also learn, love and grow while we're around. It's an exchange of things.

Always keep it simple, the truth is always simple, complications are part of people trying to understand it all. So you're role is very similar to ours, the difference is that Star Seeds come from far away to give Humans "tips" of how to deal with things better and to point out the directions because we have been there before and now it's our turn to help around just like we have been helped before.

In the end everyone is a winner, we are all flour from the same bag ;O)



Mariana Hudson

