Monday, August 27, 2012

Exopolitics, the pseudo-science that has nothing to do with LOGIC.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

FWD: David Wilcock Exposed

Here we have more information about Wilkcock's background.

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From: <>
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 12:09 AM
Subject: David Wilcock Exposed -

On the contrary, David Wilcock is not a fresh face in the "show" but an experienced charlatan. In the year 2000 David was trying to sell the "ascension secrets" but he failed, because his prophesies never worked, and particularly because the expected Y2K meltdown never happened.
These failures forced the impostor to shut down for a while. Wilcock try his hand in Virginia Beach presenting himself as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, but the Edgar Cayce Foundation kicks him out.
David Wilcock moved to Kentuky where Carla Rueckert was channeling Ra and his other book about The Law of One.
Wilcock tried again to ride a horse he didn't owned. In the first channelings, Ra assured that he would speak only through Carla.
The channeler of course threw Wilcock out and the failed prophet went into a convenient period of  "vacations" . By the way he wrote a couple of short books that no publisher wanted to touch. These are the books he tries to sell in his site. The pathetic snake oil seller tried to do dream reading in the internet but his readings were so disastrous that everybody was asking for refund.
After some tours with the ET researcher Scott Madelker, things went wrong again and Scott kicked him out of the curb.
Now the pathetic individual is trying his hand with the Divine Cosmos thing. There was already a scandal with a faked contact with ET in the British hosted Olympiads.

The Watchers


Saturday, August 18, 2012

David Wilcock Exposed -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 12:06 AM
Subject: David Wilcock Exposed -

On the contrary, David Wilcock is not a fresh face in the "show" but an experienced charlatan. In the year 2000 David was trying to sell the "ascension secrets" but he failed, because his prophesies never worked, and particularly because the expected Y2K meltdown never happened.
These failures forced the impostor to shut down for a while. Wilcock try his hand in Virginia Beach presenting himself as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, but the Edgar Cayce Foundation kicks him out.
David Wilcock moved to Kentuky where Carla Rueckert was channeling Ra and his other book about The Law of One.
Wilcock tried again to ride a horse he didn't owned. In the first channelings, Ra assured that he would speak only through Carla.
The channeler of course threw Wilcock out and the failed prophet went into a convenient period of  "vacations" . By the way he wrote a couple of short books that no publisher wanted to touch. These are the books he tries to sell in his site. The pathetic snake oil seller tried to do dream reading in the internet but his readings were so disastrous that everybody was asking for refund.
After some tours with the ET researcher Scott Madelker, things went wrong again and Scott kicked him out of the curb.
Now the pathetic individual is trying his hand with the Divine Cosmos thing. There was already a scandal with a faked contact with ET in the British hosted Olympiads.

The Watchers

David Wilcock: new face with the same old nonsense to sell.

Divine Cosmos and a fresh guru: David Wilcock.

Now we have this thing called Divine Cosmos, and a young gentleman called David Wilcock with a funny shirt, doing his best to look elegant and a little “alien”.
The secret of this Divine Cosmos?  Same old. New Age recycling with those words you know, like “Consciousness, Old World Order, the ETs as Gods who are back to defeat the evildoers. This is Jacques Vallee with some mysticism added and without the honestly of the French researcher.
David Wilcock promises thousands of pages on science… and similar things like soul-growth. Isn’t nice? You will be happy with a biggest soul. (Yes…I know that you have no idea about the size of your soul my friend. Between us, there is no such thing, and you don’t need any soul, believe me.)
You can buy the short, tacky illustrated books of David, a new cosmic guru who is trying to make some money since 2011. He must compete with several heavy weights like Michael Salla and Alfred Webre, both Exopoliticians, and Andy Basiago, time jumper and mars visitor. Also he will need to defeat several Cosmic Alchemists as Laura Eisenhower.
In his site, (he also believes that he is handsome. Plenty of pictures.) you will find things to BUY…that is the real thing right.
Stupid and presenting the Aliens like super-heroes.
…Wilcock ONLINE STORE, you will find the usual silly books full of colored nonsense at different prices.
My advice of course : DO NOT BUY . Let them try another trick. IF YOU DO NOT BUY, perhaps these gentlemen and their gangs will try something different.
Do not give your money to these MARKETING PROPHETS.
Perhaps if you do that, you will meet them again in some street of New York or any other city, playing the three cards trick. (Do not play…you will always loose.)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mind-Control now.

Deconstructive Considerations on Mind-Control.

Dr.John Mack, Alien Abductions and Death.

Dr. John Mack, alien abductions and Death.

The closest star, except our Sun, is so far away from Earth that travel between the two would take more than a human lifetime. The fact that it takes our Sun about 200 million years to revolve once around the Milky Way gives one a glimpse of the perspective we have to take of interstellar travel. We are 500 light-seconds from the sun. The next nearest star to Earth's sun (Alpha Centauri) is about 4 light-years away. That might sound close, but it is actually something like 24 trillion miles away. Even traveling at one million miles an hour, it would take more than 2,500 years to get there. (Or to come from there.) To get there in twenty-five years would require traveling at more than 100 million miles an hour for the entire trip.

Our spacecraft, Voyager travels at about 40,000 miles an hour and would take 70,000 years to get to Alpha Centauri.

Perhaps there are beings who can travel at very fast speeds and have the technology and the raw materials to build vessels that can travel at near the speed of light or greater. Have such beings come here to abduct people for some experiment?

The ET=abductions believers think that the answer is YES and some of these researchers suggest the following agenda:

The Aliens are breading hybrids and putting these hybrids between us, pure humans. This plan will end in the extraterrestrial control of our planet.

Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack (1929-2004), wrote a couple of books about patients who claim to have been abducted by aliens. Many of Mack's patients had been referred to him by Hopkins a believer.)

Dr. Mack claimed that his psychiatric patients were not mentally ill and that he could think of no better explanation for their stories than that they were true. However, until this moment nobody produced any physical evidence that abductions have occurred, it seems more reasonable to believe that Dr. Mack and his patients were deluded. But there is something else.

Dr. Mack received a $200,000 advance for his first book on alien abductions. He won the support of Laurence Rockefeller who also funded Mack's non-profit research organization for four consecutive years at $250,000 per year.

 So, if you believe in alien abductions your belief is base on faith. Same happens if you believe in angels or demons.

Let us recognize however, that Dr. John Mack was a brilliant activist against nuclear arsenals, and a Pulitzer Prize winner.


On Monday, September 27, 2004 while in London to lecture at a T. E. Lawrence Society-sponsored conference, Mack was killed by a drunken driver heading west on Totteridge Lane. He was walking home alone, after a dinner with friends, when he was struck at 11:25 p.m. near the junction of Totteridge Lane and Longland Drive. He lost consciousness at the scene of the accident and was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The driver was arrested at the scene, and later entered a plea of guilty by careless driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. Mack's family requested leniency for the suspect in a letter to the Wood Green Crown Court. "Although this was a tragic event for our family," the letter reads, "we feel [the accused's] behavior was neither malicious nor intentional, and we have no ill will toward him since we learned of the circumstances of the collision."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dr.David Jacobs talks about the Alien Abductions Agenda.

Dr. David Jacobs explains what his decades of research have uncovered about alien abductions and what the goal of these activities may be.

The pathological background of ex-doctor Richard Boylan

Richard Boylan, self proclaimed Councilor of Earth (sic.) is the individual whose two groups (one of these for children only..!) were closed by Yahoo. 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jessica Preston <>

Former California psychologist who had his state psychology license revoked over allegations of improper sexual interaction with female patients in his hot tub (hydro 'therapy'?). Claims to have been the confidant of the late 'government MJ-12 insider' Michael Wolf (another proven fraud). Boylan now conveniently claims to have been gifted with a brand new and, no surprise, anonymous 'inside source.' Also rode the American Indian 'Star People' mythos for several years and claims to know of secret government/UFO testing spots in Nevada desert. Has engaged in countless character assassinations against UFO researchers who disagree with him. Parents everywhere should beware... SEE: Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice.
Dr.? Richard Boylan - Convicted Felon and Female Molester.
Richard Boylan was stripped of all licenses to practice as a therapist because he was found guilty of gross negligence and misconduct with patients and deemed a danger to other patients. Part of his 'therapy' involved taking nude hot tubs with female patients who had had abductee experiences. Other findings of the California State Law Court were: imposing his views of space aliens into the dreams and memories of two patients and bartering nude massages in return for psychological therapy.

So, the State of California revoked his therapist's license, marriage family and child counseling license and clinical social worker license. His practice was shut down. That was back in 1995. So, why is he working with children, today, I ask, especially after being cited as encouraging young children to trust pedophiles?
Psych Watch
Documenting Psychiatrists Behaving Badly
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
This is not an April Fools post, although it should be.

Dr. Richard Boylan is a former California psychologist who had his state psychology license revoked back in 1995 over allegations of improper sexual interaction with female patients in his hot tub (hydro 'therapy'?). He still uses the title doctor, even though he is not legally licensed for mental therapy anymore.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Black <>
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 3:18 PM

California Board of Psychology revoking Richard Boylan's license
Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 is included below. 
UFOlogist John Velez: Boylan is Raving Paranoid LunaticFrom: (John Velez)
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 14:36:37 -0500
Fwd Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 17:50:44 -0500

"Dr" Boylan is a raving paranoid lunatic who has taken sexual advantage of his female clients that resulted in litigation which he LOST!
Now tell me why you picked him to contact? I have rarely met any individual as acutely dysfunctional as Richard Boylan. If he invites you over for a therapeutic hot tub session, watch yer yarbles. a fellow experiencer I must caution you in the strongest way about associating with Boylan. He's a paranoiac, clearly delusional, and worse of all, a degenerate predator that thinks nothing of using his position/credentials to take sexual advantage of women that come to him seeking help. Don't just take my word for it, ask around...
Buyer beware!
John Velez
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.alien.research
Subject: Re: FWD: Boylan defends Dr. Wolf from Friedman
Clarke Hathaway []
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 22:26:15 -0700

IMHO Stan Friedman is far more scientifically qualified than the "Hot Tub Abuser" Richard J. Boylan. Boylan has an agenda. I know because I know him well.
Of course Boylan will state to you that anything that I say will be a lie and propaganda from the agency for UFO coverup or some other sillified nonsense.
The facts are these. I was a member of Boylan's so-called CE-IV group for quite a few months. What this group represented was little more than a cult activity with "Father" Boylan (an ex-Catholic [defrocked] priest) as the head guru/father figure.
Boylan would have one and all believe that abductions are benevolent and perpetrated by beings from the stars who have the welfare of mankind first and foremost in mind. According to him these are wise and powerful spiritual beings bent upon the upliftment of their lesser human brothers. Of course, he (Boylan) is their chosen representative to this planet.
My genuine experience (abduction) that was partially illuminated by the inept hynotherapeutic services of Boylan, started me out on a quest for the truth of what is really going on given this phenomena. My research when seen from the perspective of my years of metaphysical studies, have led me to the conclusion that rather than being a Third Dimensional Reality Based phenomena, it is one that would be more properly termed as belonging to the paranormal. The view even includes an explanation for so-called implants that appear upon xrays as well as the various bodily contusions and marks that many 'abductees' are left with. I myself have several of these.
Finally I would like to state that I have been successful (along with my wife) in bringing to a screeching halt ... a long period (just over a year) of weekly and often near nightly nocturnal visitations. Something or someone did not want us to leave the Sacramento, California area during 1995/1996. Due to our efforts this phenomena ceased shortly before leaving for New Mexico in April of 1996.
Anyone who has eyes to read these lines should keep clear of Richard Boylan Ph.D. The man is NOT a practicing psychologist as he lost his licenses to practice psychology as well as his license to practice social work. This was due to his questionable ethics regarding three women whom he bartered with for physical favors in lieu of payment. One of these women was a violent rape victim.
Boylan sat in the living room of my then residence and admitted to myself and a colleague that he had made a "slight error in judgement" in regards to the allegations brought up by these three women in a court of law in Sacramento County. Boylan settled out of court, but the State board of Psychology stepped into the case.
Boylan claims that this was all a plot by the UFO Coverup agency of the US government to shut him up. Nothing could be further from the truth based upon what I observed. I was in the court room along with one Ed Stewart (known UFO researcher and Archivist) during his appeal of the State Board's decision to lift his licenses. During the proceedings he attempted to use his self inflated UFO/Alien related knowledge and a supposed subsequent attempt at stiffling him by the Government as a defense. Also used by his attorney was a statement that his unethical behavior was the result of having been a part of the "Berkley" (California) generation where such things (Nude Hot Tubbing etc., etc.) were commonplace and widely accepted.
Finally, I want to state that Boylan only serves as a distraction from real research being conducted in an effort to shed some substanstive light on what the Abduction phenomena represents. This of course would include the entire UFO phenomena since an overwhelming amount of my colleagues insist on tying the two together.
Kindest Regards...
Clarke Hathaway

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pleiadean Tarots reading about Disclosure and Basiago time-jumping future.

The rules and symbolism of the Pleiadean Tarot are a challenge to the seekers but in these cryptic readings we will always find the Truth. Here is what the Pleiadean Tarots tells us about Disclosure and Basiago time-jumping future.

The Pessimistic Sculptor
The card depicts a fanatical old man. It has a forest green border. It is associated with communication, a case of mistaken identity, a defeat, and a certain profession. Inverted, it represents light, and a challenge. The card has a burnt corner. The back is grey-blue with musical notes and a fist designed with interlocking shapes. It has a border of faces. Many faces of course but…are all these true faces or just masks???

The Mother of Chests
The card depicts a pudgy woman and a winking eye. It is associated with a reconciliation, empathy, compassion, inspiration, and magical abilities. Inverted, it represents a deception, psychic healing, a certain animal, a reunion, and a mystery. The card is missing one corner. The back is blue-violet with a rapier and a road. It has a pale gold border. Do not try to find the treasure, because before you must solve the mystery and practice compassion.

The Beautiful Wizard
The card depicts a pudgy adult. It is associated with balance, strength, a mystery, and a fall. Inverted, it represents a period of severe weather, a detour, and a romance. The card has a small bloodstain. The back is olive with a lion and a quarter Moon with radial symmetry. It has a scarlet border. Symmetry and the Moon, obviously the chosen path is Female, secret and Dionysian.

The Penitent Thief
The card depicts a tall, terrible girl with fiery red hair in a forest. It has a border of trees. It is associated with a malfunction, a dire deed, and fertility. Inverted, it represents an act of kindness, a parting of ways, joy, and creativity. The card has ragged edges. The back is dark yellow. She protects the real secret, because she is the Lady of the Twilight Garden.  The shadows will remain and there will be no revelation.

The Three of Quills
The card depicts a devout man with an interesting tattoo and silver hair during a rainstorm. It is associated with a certain historical figure, a recovery, intuition, luck, and an introduction. Inverted, it represents an injury, and willpower. The card is badly water damaged. The back is grey-blue with a woman and a demon designed with repeated shapes. It has a border of faces. The whole thing of the time and space jump is controlled by the Illuminati.

The Ace of Javalins
The card depicts a youth on a hill. It has a border of trees. It is associated with a certain profession, a specific bloodline, and charisma. Inverted, it represents chaos, a discovery, warding, and a fight. The card is an odd shape. The back is dark brown on beige with a mountain and a bell in an asymmetrical pattern. The chaos is inevitable because there will be more and more people telling their own stories about time-travel. In the end, the whole thing will be meaningless and Andy Basiago will try to rebuild his career as a lawyer. (after his fantasies it will not be easy for the “chrononaut” to go back to the real world.

The Princess of Humility
The card depicts a thin, restless youth with a small scar and a lanky, skillfull woman with violet eyes. It has an elaborate border. It is associated with fertility, lust, and a change of direction. Inverted, it represents confidence, and fear. The card is obviously quite old. The back is yellow-orange with dice and a woman. It has an elaborate border. The meaning is obvious: Alfred Webre and Andy Basiago must tell the truth now, before it’s too late.

The Mage of Drums
The card depicts a crazy adult. It is associated with optimism, romance, calm, and magical abilities. Inverted, it represents a change in plans, and fortitude. The card feels cool to the touch. The back is grey on umber with daggers and a rowan tree. Well, well, a crazy adult who stops his/her frenzy and repents.
These crazy adults forget about the whole time-travel and Pegasus thing and practice some Zen

The Jack of Amethysts
The card depicts a very short, clever girl and waves. It is associated with love, and protection. Inverted, it represents darkness, divine love, a takeover, and prosperity. The card is unusually thick. The back is bronze with a banjo within a square. This clever girls in Angelika, wife of Dr. Michael Salla. The reading tells us that she will ask the dolphins for guidance.


Pleiadean Tarot Reading about Disclosure and Andy Basiago time-jumps

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


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From: <>
Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 12:04 PM

We took notice of this contradictory statement: The so called Lords of Light( which are not lords not Enlightened) choose President Barack Obama as their candidate for the next elections. 
Since we, Archons choose Obama as our own candidate, it's possible that those L. of L. are learning something about how the Universe works.
Romney and Ryan are puppets of the Billionaires and the Churches.
They are against women-night-moon-stars-shadows-love. They are repressive and reactionary.
So, our candidate is Barack Obama; a left-handed gentleman who will bring a new era of contact and understanding.

pulvis et umbra sumus

Monday, August 13, 2012

The "new " Age of Cataclysm" and the Art of Baloney Detection.

Let me tell you this. If I buy this book I am in serious problems. 
If I buy this book I'm ready to buy Braco's healing look, Alfred Webre Universal Legislation, Basiago's time and space jumps, and snake oil that cures every known and unknown illness.
If I buy this book I know absolutely nothing about stars and planets.
Now, dear friends, the cataclysm will happen in 2013. Forget abut Mayan Calendars and failed prophesies. Forget about 2012. Next year will be the big one.
The prophets must know how to reschedule. Same can be said of those who never pay their bills. 
After the following exopolitical publicity, let me include Karl Sagan's Art of Baloney Detection. Perhaps you will read it before buying this or any other similar "book".
THE AGE OF CATACLYSM, prophetic 1974 book, now required reading about predicted impacts of a 2013 brown dwarf star flyby (eBook Download by donation)

Unusual update: ""To give you an idea of the real-world value of this book, on Friday July 27, 2012, a new copy of THE AGE OF CATACLYSM was going for $171.80 on"


Based on the book The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan
The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments:
    • Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the facts
    • Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
    • Arguments from authority carry little weight (in science there are no "authorities").
    • Spin more than one hypothesis - don't simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy.
    • Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it's yours.
    • Quantify, wherever possible.
    • If there is a chain of argument every link in the chain must work.
    • "Occam's razor" - if there are two hypothesis that explain the data equally well choose the simpler.
    • Ask whether the hypothesis can, at least in principle, be falsified (shown to be false by some unambiguous test). In other words, it is testable? Can others duplicate the experiment and get the same result?
Additional issues are
    • Conduct control experiments - especially "double blind" experiments where the person taking measurements is not aware of the test and control subjects.
    • Check for confounding factors - separate the variables.
Common fallacies of logic and rhetoric
    • Ad hominem - attacking the arguer and not the argument.
    • Argument from "authority".
    • Argument from adverse consequences (putting pressure on the decision maker by pointing out dire consequences of an "unfavourable" decision).
    • Appeal to ignorance (absence of evidence is not evidence of absence).
    • Special pleading (typically referring to god's will).
    • Begging the question (assuming an answer in the way the question is phrased).
    • Observational selection (counting the hits and forgetting the misses).
    • Statistics of small numbers (such as drawing conclusions from inadequate sample sizes).
    • Misunderstanding the nature of statistics (President Eisenhower expressing astonishment and alarm on discovering that fully half of all Americans have below average intelligence!)
    • Inconsistency (e.g. military expenditures based on worst case scenarios but scientific projections on environmental dangers thriftily ignored because they are not "proved").
    • Non sequitur - "it does not follow" - the logic falls down.
    • Post hoc, ergo propter hoc - "it happened after so it was caused by" - confusion of cause and effect.
    • Meaningless question ("what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?).
    • Excluded middle - considering only the two extremes in a range of possibilities (making the "other side" look worse than it really is).
    • Short-term v. long-term - a subset of excluded middle ("why pursue fundamental science when we have so huge a budget deficit?").
    • Slippery slope - a subset of excluded middle - unwarranted extrapolation of the effects (give an inch and they will take a mile).
    • Confusion of correlation and causation.
    • Straw man - caricaturing (or stereotyping) a position to make it easier to attack..
    • Suppressed evidence or half-truths.
    • Weasel words - for example, use of euphemisms for war such as "police action" to get around limitations on Presidential powers. "An important art of politicians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public"
Above all - read the book! (Sagan's book, of course,)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Time-travel, a contagious and fragile meme.

Time-traveling is a contagious meme, and a fragile one.

That is the funny thing. Let me tell you how I see it.

Anybody could present himself/herself as a time-traveler. He needs just some imagination and nothing else. There are little tricks like Basiago Gettysburg picture, which will put some spice and realism to the hoax.

My idea is that the time-travel meme will die by excess. The same happened with the visits to other planets in the 50's. After some time, there were too much travels and the thing lost interest and credibility. It didn't sell anymore.

So, back into time-travel mythology, in a couple of months there will be a thousand Basiago-like time-travelers. No evidence needed.

The pretender will invent time-visits to old worlds and even some romances with Cleopatra or Helen of Troy.

After sometime the whole meme will die a natural dead.

Something more: when we talk of memes like Basiago-like time-jumping. We are talking about things that only exist inside the UFO and paranormal subculture. Be aware that in everyday world nobody knows or cares about Andy Basiago's time and space jumps.


Basiago's time-traveling: contagious and fragile meme.

Time-traveling is a contagious meme, and a fragile one.

That is the funny thing. Let me tell you how I see it.

Anybody could present himself/herself as a time-traveler. He needs just some imagination and nothing else. There are little tricks like Basiago Gettysburg picture, which will put some spice and realism to the hoax.

My idea is that the time-travel meme will die by excess. The same happened with the visits to other planets in the 50's. After some time, there were too much travels and the thing lost interest and credibility. It didn't sell anymore.

So, back into time-travel mythology, in a couple of months there will be a thousand Basiago-like time-travelers. No evidence needed.

The pretender will invent time-visits to old worlds and even some romances with Cleopatra or Helen of Troy.

After sometime the whole meme will die a natural dead.

Something more: when we talk of memes like Basiago-like time-jumping. We are talking about things that only exist inside the UFO and paranormal subculture. Be aware that in everyday world nobody knows or cares about Andy Basiago's time and space jumps.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Moon: Experimental Hoax

This video is what I call an Experimental Hoax. The manipulation of the images is massive and absurd. 
Also pay attention to the sounds and consider the probability of subliminal messages.

More Ufological Activities.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 8:23 AM
Subject: UFO conference in Gorham, Maine

UFO conference in Gorham Maine, September 8th 2012

"Exeriencers Speak" UFO Alien Abduction Lecture, Metaphysical, Healing, and Alternative Arts Expo is scheduled for the eighth of September, 2012, at 39 School Street in Gorham, Maine. This event, in collaboration with Kelcey Hart, Co-Owner of the "Soul Sanctuary", will feature a broad spectrum of lecturers, many vendors including, but not limited to the Alternative Arts. There will be Tarot reading, Healers, authors and many other venues pertaining to the metaphysical and paranormal.

Starborn Support are pleased to announce their UFO and abduction lecture series will be headlined by Travis Walton, author of "Fire in the Sky". The novel became the basis for the feature film based on his November 5, 1975 abduction.

Scientific Ufologist Kathleen Marden will also be a featured speaker. She has published a novel about her Aunt and Uncle's abduction account, "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Experience", which she co-authored with Stanton T Friedman.

Audrey Starborn, Founder/CEO of Starborn Support, and her sister Debbie will be speaking along with Terrell Copeland, a retired Marine that now lectures about his experiences. Audrey, Debbie , and Terrell were featured on an episode of ABC's 20/20 Primetime Live "Outsider's Edition" that ran in August of 2009.

Christopher Bledsoe will be in attendance and lecturing about his abduction in North Carolina. His initial abduction is commonly referred to in the media as "The Fayetteville Incident". He shared his story with MUFON on the television series UFO's Over Earth which aired on the Discovery Channel.

List of Speakers
Travis Walton
Kathleen Marden
Peter Robbins
Christopher Bledsoe Sr
Audrey Starborn
Debbie Starborn
Kelcey Hart
Terrell Copeland
Iyawata Britten Schneider
Todd Sheldon
Cynthia Robyn Carr
Chris Augustin
Jonathan Grey
Dustin J Waite
Ricky G
Suzanne Chancellor
Debby White Paiva
Jim O'Connell
Matthew Moniz
Christian White
Allison Yellowknee
Pamela Necerado-Leffredo

Friday, August 10, 2012

The problem of Cognitive Dissonance




Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously.

The "ideas" or "cognitions" in question may include attitudes and beliefs, and also the awareness of one's behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, or by justifying or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.[1] Cognitive dissonance theory is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.

Dissonance normally occurs when a person perceives a logical inconsistency among his or her cognitions.

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The "ideas" or "cognitions" in question may include attitudes and beliefs, and also the awareness of one's behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, or by justifying or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Cognitive dissonance theory is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.

Dissonance normally occurs when a person perceives a logical inconsistency among his or her cognitions.

We should not believe that Cognitive Dissonance is an uncommon phenomenon. On the contrary, the mass of information-disinformation and misinformation makes the C.D. inevitable in many cases.

What should we do about it? We should be aware of the works of our Mind.

A rational approach to the information we receive is a must for those who want to eliminate this uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two or more contradictory ideas simultaneously.

Tomas Scolarici





Metatron's Message on Peace

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 5:41 PM
Subject: A Message on Peace

Wake up. This is the dawning of a new civilization on Earth, and you are part of it. You are a citizen of Gaia and a harbinger of Treasures. You were born at an auspicious time in the affairs of man, and you came to Earth as a blessing from above. Think a moment -- could it be otherwise? Accept that you are a bringer of peace to the world that has been crying for peace.

What is war but a cry for peace? What emphasizes peace as much as war? When peace is not known, agitation is, and agitation grows into war. Some seem to crave war, but they are kidding themselves. They have fantasized an enemy, and they have surmised that the end of their enemy will bring peace.

Peace is your state of mind. War too. You could be in green pastures, and still feel warring emotions. You could be in the midst of war, and still feel calm. Do you believe that there is someone who will feel calm during war? A surgeon perhaps? He cannot be frenzied, even in the midst of war. Imagine you are a surgeon then and be calm. Even in peace, you may have to remind yourself of calm. If someone can have equanimity, why not you? And why not you now?

The end to war is peace. War is never a solution. Fighting is not the end to war. It is the beginning, and it is the continuation. Arms may be halted, and still peace does not reign.

In this relative world of opposites, you often like to face opposition. You may say you don't, yet you light up with it. Your blood flows. You become alert. You feel fired up. You are like a fighter with his fists poised. You find opposition stimulating.

Agreement, however, brings you a different kind of enlivening. What is agreement but an agreement to be peaceful, even when not in full harmony? You know, it is not necessary to agree on everything. It is not necessary to agree on anything but to live in peace. Peace is yours to give. Peace is less dramatic. You cannot foment it. You can only be aware of it and welcome it.

Let your life be like a weekend that comes. The weekend is time for rest and enjoyment. Let your whole life be a weekend. Let your whole life be a bubbling brook rather than swiftly-running rapids. Let life be, beloveds. Do not commandeer it. You don't need rough stuff.

If there were not perceived need to control, could war exist? If you gave more than lip service to the idea of freedom, would not the world be free, and free of war? Free yourself from war now.

Is it not possible for you to have more trust than you do? More trust in yourself? Even if you do not feel trust for the world, can you trust in yourself and your ability to shine light on the world? Simply radiate as you live your life. You are radiating something right now. The vibration of your thoughts is far-reaching. Think more about peace than war. You are a lamp, you are Light. You forgot this.

Tut-tutting about war does not bring peace. Peace brings peace. Be your own still waters to lie down beside. Declare peace now. Silently mandate peace in the world.

Beloveds, you are responsible for yourself and for the peace or turmoil that you feel. You are also responsible to the world and to Me. This is not to make you feel bad. This is to make you aware of your own power. I chose you to bring peace to the world. Bring it.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fwd: Archons' reply to Stanley, Webre and Laura Eisenhower.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Archons' reply to Stanley, Webre and Laura Eisenhower.

This is an OPEN message. Send it to others, post it. 

We will include here a previous clarification about the so called Archons:

The topic of the Archons should be considered always with great care and necessary limitations.


It is true that Archons can sometimes penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere and execute some activities, but those activities do not necessary terrorize humans.

It is wrong to say that the Archons are inorganic, and better would be to define them as post-organic.


Archons exist as an alien group independent of humankind and working through programs active in the human mental environment.


These archonic operations in human minds are necessary and more important than occasional physical breaching in Earth atmosphere.

Archons are not interested in programming through telepathy and suggestion the evolution of humanity. In fact, the work of Archons is secret and cannot be understood by humans in the present level of evolution.

Sometimes Archons find necessary to substitute some human mind-set by their own, for strategic reasons that, again, must be kept unknown.

Mr. Robert M.Stanley who is not an Earth advocate and Laura Eisenhower, who has nothing to do with Alchemy, are promoted by Alfred Webre, who simply doesn't know what is real and what is not.


It's true that we are interdimensionals and this shows the limitations of Humanity compared to us.

We, archons, were here, in our solar system when humans were primates.

It would be nice to know how A.L.or S. exorcise us.

We want to send them one word, just one: TRY.


Humanity needs protection from humanity. Humans are the worst enemies of humanity.

You are a self-destructive race, and nothing will change this.


Archons are hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities that must now be exposed and exorcised from the individual human mind, from our human species, and from the planet as a whole as part of our collective evolution to a new state of consciousness and being.

This is the vital message that author Robert M. Stanley and Earth advocate/global alchemist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower bring us in a Nov. 14, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre.


This isn't true. Of course humans always demonize what they cannot understand.


Mr. Robert Stanley writes also what follows:


Robert Stanley, author of Covert Encounters over Washington, DC, has release a public statement about archons stating,  "It is time to expose the covert controllers of mankind. I assure you this is not speculation, a hoax, or the figment of peoples' imagination. These parasitic creatures are real and they need to be dealt with immediately so mankind can evolve to the next level of existence.

"Although these parasites are not human, they feed off the negative energy/emotions of humans. It is unclear when these cosmic, amoeba-like creatures first came to earth, but we know they were discovered by shamans in altered states of consciousness long ago and have recently been photographed. The reason everyone is not seeing them on a daily basis is because the creature's energy signature is beyond our normal, narrow range of vision within the electromagnetic spectrum. What scientist call "visible light."

Mr. Stanley maintains that humanity must now take a scientific approach to identifying archons and exterminating them in the human dimensional ecology.  Mr. Stanley has released a series of photographs of archons that can be seen in the Slide show in this article.

Stanley hates and wants to destroy what he doesn't understand. Archons are not amoeba-like creatures but advanced post-organic Beings much older than Humanity.

More important, Mr. Robert Stanley must learn that he cannot destroy Archons. Again, we will give you just one word: TRY.

 Advice: Declare War only if you can win it.


UFO at 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony

UFO at 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony
A clear video of an UFO hovering in the sky at the Olympics 2012 Opening Ceremony .

UFO display showed up at an event where many private video cameras were recording the event. This was the case during the 1991 Eclipse in Mexico. Undeniable because it had been recorded by the public, on so many private cams, that the display could not be dismissed as a case of doctoring the film. The 2012 Olympics opening was another such event, recorded live and delivered to audiences around the world. By the time the authorities realized what was happening, it was too late.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Aerial Phenomenons are not New.

Jour. Franklin Inst., 90-11:

That, upon the 14th of February, 1870, there fell, at Genoa, Italy, according to Director Boccardo, of the Technical Institute of Genoa, and Prof. Castellani, a yellow substance. But the microscope revealed numerous globules of cobalt blue, also corpuscles of a pearly color that resembled starch. See Nature, 2-166.

Comptes Rendus, 56-972:

M. Bouis says of a substance, reddish varying to yellowish, that fell enormously and successively, or upon April 30, May 1 and May 2, in France and Spain, that it carbonized and spread the odor of charred animal matter—that it was not pollen—that in alcohol it left a residue of resinous matter.

Blackwood's Magazine, 3-338:

A yellow powder that fell at Gerace, Calabria, March 14, 1813. Some of this substance was collected by Sig. Simenini, Professor of Chemistry, at Naples. It had an earthy, insipid taste, and is described as "unctuous." When heated, this matter turned brown, then black, then red. According to the Annals of Philosophy, 11-466, one of the components was a greenish-yellow substance, which, when dried, was found to be resinous.

But concomitants of this fall:

Loud noises were heard in the sky.

How about some black rain?

Black rains and black snows—rains as black as a deluge of ink—jet-black snowflakes.

Such a rain as that which fell in Ireland, May 14, 1849, described in the Annals of Scientific Discovery, 1850, and the Annual Register, 1849. It fell upon a district of 400 square miles, and was the color of ink, and of a fetid odor and very disagreeable taste.

The rain at Castlecommon, Ireland, April 30, 1887—"thick, black rain." (Amer. Met. Jour., 4-193.)

A black rain fell in Ireland, Oct. 8 and 9, 1907. (Symons' Met. 

La Nature, 1888, 2-406:

p. 29

That Aug. 14, 1888, there fell at the Cape of Good Hope, a rain so black as to be described as a "shower of ink."

Continuity dogs us. Continuity rules us and pulls us back. We seemed to have a little hope that by the method of extremes we could get away from things that merge indistinguishably into other things. We find that every departure from one merger is entrance upon another. At the Cape of Good Hope, vast volumes of smoke from great manufacturing centers, as an explanation, cannot very acceptably merge with the explanation of extra-mundane origin—but smoke from a terrestrial volcano can, and that is the suggestion that is made in La Nature.

These events were collected by Charles Fort, An American journalist  and pioneeer in weird facts recognition 


Title:Analyses of Extraterrestrial Particles Collected Outside The Mir Station
No Digital Version Available: Go to Tips on Ordering
Author: Borg, J.; Bibring, J.-P.; Bunch, T.; Flynn, G.; Nishioka, K.; Westphal, A.; Chang, Sherwood
Abstract:The European Space Exposure Facility (ESEF) has flown two collection boxes (B1 and B2) outside the MIR station from October 1995 to February 1996, during the EST EUROMIR95 mission. B1 was opened only during the encounter with the Orionides meteor stream and the last 5 weeks of the mission, while B2 stayed open during the entire mission, except during docking operations on MIR, to minimise contamination. We describe here the results of the analyses performed on various passive collectors of the COMRADE experiment. We also indicate the improvements that will be given to the collecting techniques, in the objective of the future COMET-99 collection, programmed by French CNES.
Collection: NASA
NASA Center: Ames Research Center


More and more cryptic messages...something is going on..!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 6:05 PM
Subject: Prof. G. narrative (experiences)

I'm not sure about the experiences of Prof. G. and more important I don't know if these must be known.
I recognize that my understanding about all this is very limited.  I try to keep the style of Prof. G. narrative.
" You should see those faces-said P.G.- In the beginning these are obviously faces but then they change bit by bit, and you understand that what you are seeing is a mutation, you see faces that are no more faces but yes…faces after all. "
"…and many of them, and the noise, some kind of modulated noise, music perhaps but oh so different to everything we know. "
"…you see, there are so many changing forms, yes…forms, and tension grows and fear, but then something crashes inside you. Something in you is no more you, (no I don't mean that) and you don't care, you are not afraid anymore, because nothing can be worse that what was seen already. (Worse is not the word, no not worse, but different, alien, unknown…the fear of rational mind inevitable collapse.)
"…but at the same time knowing that all that is real, and precisely that is what produces the collapse."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dr. Michael Salla and Life in Mars.


Dr. Michael Salla wrote the following article, and after reading it, you will find that he lives in the World One with Andy Basiago, Alfred Webre and Laura Eisenhower. See below, please. My World One, World Two follows.


 "Early this morning US Eastern Time, the MarsScience Laboratory (aka Curiosity rover) successfully landed on Mars. "Curiosity's main assignment," according to NASA, "is to investigate whether its study area ever has offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life." To achieve its two year exploratory mission, the nuclear powered Curiosity carries 15 times as much scientific equipment as on previous Mars rovers. Curiosity will analyze samples of soil, rocks and atmosphere on the spot and transmit results back to NASA scientists. NASA claims that "Curiosity is a bold step forward in learning about our neighboring planet." Importantly, according to Doug McCuistion, director of the Mars Exploration Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., "This mission transitions the program's science emphasis from the planet's water history to its potential for past or present life."

If you are interested in learning about the possibility of current life on Mars, Curiosity is not designed to answer that. "


World One, World Two-Tomas Scolarici


UFO profiteering against Rational Ufology

Do we want a truly rational Ufology? If your answer is YES, learn about the tricks of UFO profiteers.

First of all think in your public as composed by illiterates that never, never, will question the origin and authenticity of your knowledge. If some does, well you know, she or he is a cabalist, a she-male, a pervert and a psyop.

When you talk or write, do NOT give them any clarification about the meaning of your words. Use complex words that your spiritual warriors should know well.

Sample: if you are talking about the contacts between different intelligent galactic and extragalactic civilizations, make your audience feel that what you say is just elemental and well known, even by kids.

In any case, and smiling generously, you can tell them that you are in permanent contact with the Andromeda Council or even the Ascendant Masters. (See Google for some good names for these Masters.)

Now, let me tell you something even more important: you MUST create an imaginary anatomy.

There are enough superstitions out there to feed your fantastic world.

Sample: Humans have eight or nine bodies, right? The common every-day body and the three astral ones, and also the three other bodies of Light that, as everyone knows, are purple, green and brilliant white. Then you have the Soul that is shared with the Source, and the multidimensional body that will go with you in your astral travels, at night.

Tell your followers that they should prepare themselves for the 5th World that is coming, and that very soon, the Cosmic Brothers will make possible for us. Make your people understand that all the spiritual guides of Humanity are not Humans but Extraterrestrials, OK? This is important.

Oh, by the way, use the world Multiverse instead of Universe.

And please, remember to put a little PayPal "donate" banner in your blog.