Sunday, March 11, 2012

Richard Boylan fighting his own ghosts.

In Dr. Richard Boylan’s yahoo group UFOfacts, there is only one poster: Boylan himself; and there is only one reader: Richard Boylan, self proclaimed Councilor of Earth.
If we take some time and read the rants of this “dr” who lost his licenses for abuses against female patients, (Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice.)  we learn something more.
This is an individual fighting against his personal ghosts, a man who destroyed his own career and credibility for his own wrongdoing.
Of course, no more fantasies about Star Nations, Altimarians or Psychic Exercises. The following post of the self proclaimed “Earth Councilor “is one more of his little exercise in paranoid hallucinations.


    I heard from my old friend Sweeps Fox, retired Army Signals Intelligence officer.
    He commented on, and confirmed, what I said about George Noory being squeezed by the Cabal. See below.

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

From: Sweeps roi-den Fox [] 
 Friday, March 09, 2012 3:01 PM
 Re: [DrRichBoylanReports] the Cabal teach one of their assets a lesson/Reply/'Sweeps'

Well...interesting that you 'caught' this Doc.,
...I CAN confirm your 'take' from what you refer to as your 'energy scan'.
I knew Art Bell fairly well personally...had the same 'complaints', but as the  co-founder( with Alan Corberth )  andoriginal host of the Show, mostly kept his mouth shut on this 'Agency'-funded Show.  [Note: "Agency" = CIA.]  All the initial funding and the 'remit' of the [C2C-AM] 'SHOW' was dreamed up by them. [CIA]
     There's a lot more of course. Best to you/'S' 

P.S. I answered Sweeps back, "Thanks for clarifying that Art Bell's show was founded and funded by the Central Intelligence Agency. Unfortunately it was a Cabal-controlled instrumentality within the CIA. The purpose was to gain control of the flow of UFO information by having top-notch specialists on but then also liberally peppering the show with disinformers, flakes, and loons. Thus carefully maintaining ufology's reputation as whacky "science".  [Naturally, Sweeps is fully aware of what I talked about.]  - RB “