Friday, April 30, 2010

Fwd: Do some research please.

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:59 PM
Subject: Do some research please.

Dear friend
Just do it for yourself. Believe only in what your eyes are showing you.
You must decide what is wrong and what isn't. Only you.
For this research, just do some "googling".
In the space for search, write the words Dr. Richard Boylan. Nothing more than that.
Then click on SEARCH button.
In seconds you will have all the references you need about Boylan.
Read them. Do some research about the Councilor of Earth. This is more important if you are young or if you have kids.

The True Light is in You.

The Watchers

Fwd: Altimar-Altamar

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 3:55 AM
Subject: Altimar-Altamar

Here is the secret. The Councilor loves hot-tubs, right?
The Name ALTIMAR comes from here.

Councilor of Earth...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


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From: <>
Date: Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 5:34 PM

Of course, you all know that it's true what Dr.Boylan says about the Star Nations working here with us for millenniums. Boylan writes that we are just the product of genetic manipulation, and of course, if the Councilor of Earth says so, that's enough.
No, do not ask me why Boylan is Councilor of Earth. He says so and that's all I need.
We have Faith in everything this Man says. No doubts at all. Those who doubt are Cabals, all of them.

In Fact, with the exception of Boylan and perhaps Fran, the Incarnated mantis, the rest of the world is Cabal.
What? How do I know that Fran is an Incarnated Mantis? Well, because she says's enough for me, since I am a true believer, not a Cabal. Stephen Hawkins is a Cabal, but I am not.
Dr. Boylan says that there are Altimarian scientists fixing our environmental problems. I believe this is true, because the Councilor says so, and that is enough...what else should I want?
There are billions of kids and adults that are star/seeds. Yes, it's true. Read what the good Doctor says, and remember that he always tells the Truth. The rest of the world lies but never the Councilor, who is a Star/Seed Himself.

No, I don't need to read anything else. I read only what the Councilors tells me is readable,  because the rest is just disinformation and cabalism.

Evidences? Of course I have enough. The word of Dr. Boylan is good enough for me.
He is "on the light". How I know this? Just because He told me so. What he says is the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth for us.

The Believer.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boylan insults Dr. Stephen Hawkins

Dear friends

Below you will find the rantings of the self appointed councilor of earth (hot-tube boylan) about Stephen Hawkins.
Please, if some of you or all of you feel tempted to send a message to this individual, well, you are more than welcome..!
His add. is included.

RE: [UFOFacts] Cabal


     Professor Stephen Hawking is a Cabal asset, and like Carl Sagan was, used by them as a "prestigious scientist spokesman" to mouth their propaganda whenever "necessary".
    Someone opined to me that his blurb out of the blue was intended as a counter-offensive to that major "leak" from Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean which I blasted across the Internet yesterday.
    Hawking's stupid paranoiac rant certainly did seem to come out of nowhere.
    Keith Olbermann on MSNBC News program "Countdown" gave Hawking's utterance just the right touch of over-the-top ridicule, complete with movie clip of preposterous "aliens" running around from that spoof sci-fi movie "Mars Attacks". Hilarious.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd


Monday, April 26, 2010

Fwd: Sorry about Stephen Hawkins

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:14 PM
Subject: Sorry about Stephen Hawkins

I'm sorry about Stephen Hawkins. Someone in P4C wrote that he was a "karmic illiterate".
Indeed, instead of reading Boylan, Webre, Basiago and Salla, he is wasting time with sciences like mathematics, astrophysics and who knows what more.
Dr Salla should invite him to his courses of Galactic Diplomacy, and  Brako, the croatian healer, could also cure him.
Alfred Webre is clear enough about the more than one hundred extraterrestrial races visiting us, and  Stephen must remember that we, humans, are under cosmic quarantine. Stephen Hawkins must learn the Laws of the Universe that Webre, the lawyer, knows so well.
Perhaps he belongs to the Cabal?. That's what Boylan, the self-appointed Councilor of Earth, AKA "doctor hot tube" thinks.
We were also thinking that it would be great for Stephen Hawkins to have a Solar Initiation in Bolivia and after that, pay a visit to the subterranean cities under the Titicaca lake. He should call Mostego, the Contactee, and perhaps also the White Brotherhood that recently moved from Tibet to Bolivia.
Do us a favor, Stephen: forget about mathematics and contact all those reliable Sargent and Corporals who know so much about Aliens, life in Mars and in Venus, and secret NASA proyects.
Forget about Science and trust in those anonymous sources that help us to understand what "reality" is about.

The Watchers

New Age UFO suicide Cult 1997

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:47 AM
Subject: New Age UFO suicide Cult 1997

The Tragic Legacy of Heaven's Gate UFO Cult.

Stephen Hawkins on Alien Contact.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:30 AM
Subject: Stephen Hawkins on Alien Contact.

THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist — but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.

The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the world's leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universe's greatest mysteries.

Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space.

Hawking's logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," he said. "The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

The answer, he suggests, is that most of it will be the equivalent of microbes or simple animals — the sort of life that has dominated Earth for most of its history.

One scene in his documentary for the Discovery Channel shows herds of two-legged herbivores browsing on an alien cliff-face where they are picked off by flying, yellow lizard-like predators. Another shows glowing fluorescent aquatic animals forming vast shoals in the oceans thought to underlie the thick ice coating Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter.

Such scenes are speculative, but Hawking uses them to lead on to a serious point: that a few life forms could be intelligent and pose a threat. Hawking believes that contact with such a species could be devastating for humanity.

He suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach."

He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is "a little too risky". He said: "If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

The completion of the documentary marks a triumph for Hawking, now 68, who is paralysed by motor neurone disease and has very limited powers of communication. The project took him and his producers three years, during which he insisted on rewriting large chunks of the script and checking the filming.

John Smithson, executive producer for Discovery, said: "He wanted to make a programme that was entertaining for a general audience as well as scientific and that's a tough job, given the complexity of the ideas involved."

Hawking has suggested the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.

So far, all the new planets found have been far larger than Earth, but only because the telescopes used to detect them are not sensitive enough to detect Earth-sized bodies at such distances.

Another breakthrough is the discovery that life on Earth has proven able to colonise its most extreme environments. If life can survive and evolve there, scientists reason, then perhaps nowhere is out of bounds.

Hawking's belief in aliens places him in good scientific company. In his recent Wonders of the Solar System BBC series, Professor Brian Cox backed the idea, too, suggesting Mars, Europa and Titan, a moon of Saturn, as likely places to look.

Similarly, Lord Rees, the astronomer royal, warned in a lecture earlier this year that aliens might prove to be beyond human understanding.

"I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can't conceive," he said. "Just as a chimpanzee can't understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains."

Stephen Hawking's Universe begins on the Discovery Channel on Sunday May 9 at 9pm

Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans: Hawking

Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans: Hawking - Yahoo! News

Yahoo! News



Sunday, April 25, 2010

Boylan, Salla and Greer controlled by the "Cabal"?

Dr. Boylan writes in his last UFOfacts's post what follows:

  My friend, Command Sergeant-Major Robert O. Dean, US Army/NATO (ret.), has been the source of some of my insider information.
    Bob recently revealed some "leaks" which follow, and which provide some information about the extent to which the U.S.Government .has a presence in space.>

Something is wrong here, because several times, the self-appointed Councilor of Earth told us that Dr.Michal Salla was a conspicuous member of the Cabal.
Below we find that Boylan';s friend SM Robert O. Dean, is ALSO friend of Salla, the cabalist..!
So, the "source" is an insider of the Cabal..?
If you do some "googling" you will also find that the Sargent Major is also friend of Dr. Greer. Also a prominent cabalist for the Councilor of Earth.  

"Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, NATO's Secret UFO Assessment & Setting the Record Straight"
(pp. 213-232)
Interviewed by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


Dr.Boylan, Dr. Salla and the Cabal?

Dr. Boylan writes in his last UFOfacts's post what follows:

  My friend, Command Sergeant-Major Robert O. Dean, US Army/NATO (ret.), has been the source of some of my insider information.
    Bob recently revealed some "leaks" which follow, and which provide some information about the extent to which the U.S.Government .has a presence in space.>

Something is wrong here, because several times, the self-appointed Councilor of Earth told us that Dr.Michal Salla was a conspicuous member of the Cabal.
Below we find that Boylan';s friend SM Robert O. Dean, is ALSO friend of Salla, the cabalist..!
So, the "source" is an insider of the Cabal..?
If you do some "googling" you will also find that the Sargent Major is also friend of Dr. Greer. Also a prominent cabalist for the Councilor of Earth.  

"Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, NATO's Secret UFO Assessment & Setting the Record Straight"
(pp. 213-232)
Interviewed by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fwd: Excellent, Dr. Boylan.

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 2:49 PM
Subject: Excellent, Dr. Boylan.

Congratulation for posting your friends picture with the tinned Grey in UFOfacts.

It shows your understanding that the whole thing is Entertainment. Disneyland. more.
The Watchers


Let us agree with the most common UFO hypothesis: The ufonauts are here, with us, perhaps from the beginning of historical times or before.  These entities are civilized members of some post-luminic extraterrestrial civilization. They are benevolent.

Do we have any evidence that confirms this hypothesis?
Obviously, the New Age rhetoric is totally human, and so are the religious nonsense that the Exopoliticians and exo-cultists pretend us to believe are Alien Messages.
The whole talk about the "source", and the "laws of the Universe" and the future in a nice, mysterious "fifth world" is human-made. Is the product of our own human culture (or  ignorance.)

The so called contactees and self proclaimed ufological experts give us nothing that proves the existence of these shy, pathetic ETs.
If this is so, then we have two possibilities:

The first one is that there are no aliens here, and never were. The ET hypothesis is unsustainable.

The second one is that these aliens are not benevolent at all, and it is possible to show the evidence of this malevolence by omission.

IF a benevolent extraterrestrial culture is here, and is benevolent concerning us, why Auschwitz or Bushenwald? Why Hiroshima and Nagasaki ? Why the Genocide of 75 % of the North and South American Indians?
Why they do not help us in any way? Why Slavery and Cruelty and Crime? Why all these Horrors are tolerated by the good, wise, benevolent, superior aliens?

Yes, it's true that we are our own murderers but they do not care, and If they don't, they are not benevolent but obviously malevolent by omission.

If we accept the ET hypothesis, the Logical Consequence is that they are ,at least, malevolent by omission.

The alternatives : either they exploit us in one or many ways, or they do not exist at all.

If the ET hypothesis is denied, the UFO Phenomenon is an unsolved mystery.


James Black


Friday, April 23, 2010

Fwd: The Councilor's Show.

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:00 PM
Subject: The Councilor's Show.

The self appointed Councilor of Earth tells us that the Cabal not only controls the world but have absolute power even over natural catastrophes like earthquakes.
However, this omnipotent Shadow Government doesn't care about the Councilor rantings and absurdities.
Why is this?
Simply because the Cabal itself is a product of Boylan's mind,
and because Asheoma, the Star Nations and the whole imaginary world of this man, is also product of his mind ( think about Wendi and Multiple Personality Disorder)

  Boylan writes:

"Councillor Asheoma sent word that the 3.3 magnitude earthquake earthquake that occurred 17 miles southeast of Knoxville, Tennessee at 5:28 am on Tuesday morning (4/20/10) was artificially made, and that the Cabal were involved. "

Curiously, the lies of these self proclaimed leaders and Contactees, can only be sustained with new lies.

They never show evidence of what they say, and if you demand some proof, you will be attacked and insulted.
Remember that the Cabal is "everybody who doesn't agree with the Councilor and his sub-personalities"
And please, do never ask the Councilor why, if the star-nations were friendly with the Indians, 75 % of the American Native population was destroyed by the colonialists...where were the Star-nations?
Where were the star nations that worry so much about us  while the Holocaust took place in Germany and occupied territories?
Where were these "wise and nice " space brothers when the horrors of  Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Your "show" doesn't work any more, dear Councilor of Earth.
Reading your UFOfacts, it looks like you are posting alone, and you know why? Because people think and learn about reason, truth and abuses. Call it "KARMA",Councilor.

The Watchers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fwd: Exploitation of "star-children"

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 2:27 PM
Subject: Exploitation of "star-children"

"Do I find it disturbing that people are exposing their kids to all kinds of questionable encounters with people of questionable credentials. Yes, I do.

"Why?", you may ask.

Because I was once one of those parents"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Mr. Richard Boylan talks abut "star/kids" and the importance of these children in the future society that presumably will be ruled by the self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth. (See post below)
However, even if you have the US$ 95 for the Councilor's "workshops", and even if you have Faith in what he says,
please, consider the possibility of looking for some alternative opinion. Your doctor, your psychologist, your pediatrician will give you an authorized opinion. We include in this message an article called CULTS and KIDS A Study of Coercion.

Dr. Richard Boylan, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth, is a former California psychologist who had his state psychology license revoked back in 1995 over allegations of improper sexual interaction with female patients in his hot tub (hydro 'therapy'?). He still uses the title doctor, even though he is not legally licensed for mental therapy anymore.

    Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. (PSY 10047)
    Sacramento, CA
    B&P Code §2960(j). Gross negligence in the practice of psychology. Decision effective August 4, 1995. License revoked.

Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 (via




Fwd: Cults and Kids

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 8:27 PM
Subject: Cults and Kids

Mr. Richard Boylan talks abut "star/kids" and the importance of these children in the future society that presumably will be ruled by the self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth. (See post below)
However, even if you have the US$ 95 for the Councilor's "workshops", and even if you have Faith in what he says,
please, consider the possibility of looking for some alternative opinion. Your doctor, your psychologist, your pediatrician will give you an authorized opinion. We include in this message an article called CULTS and KIDS A Study of Coercion.

Dr. Richard Boylan, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth, is a former California psychologist who had his state psychology license revoked back in 1995 over allegations of improper sexual interaction with female patients in his hot tub (hydro 'therapy'?). He still uses the title doctor, even though he is not legally licensed for mental therapy anymore.

    Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. (PSY 10047)
    Sacramento, CA
    B&P Code §2960(j). Gross negligence in the practice of psychology. Decision effective August 4, 1995. License revoked.

Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 (via


Monday, April 19, 2010

Fwd: TRUTH is INSIDE, and it is FREE.

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:30 PM
Subject: HOW TO BE..!

Dear sister, brother.

The door is inside. Turn into yourself if you want to find the Truth.
The truth is IN you from the beginning.
Remember that is better ONE word that brings PEACE, than hundred words that bring NOTHING.

COHERENCE is fundamental. Either you believe that Jesus Christ is God as Love and Salvation OR you DENY the Divine Nature of Christ calling him an extraterrestrial.
If you do this, remember that you are NOT Christian any more.
Be consequent with your beliefs and actions.
Think twice about this.
Also, think twice before talking or writing. Remember that Men and Women are SLAVES of their Words, and MASTERS of their SILENCE.
Do not impose your beliefs and ideas to your children. Let then be nothing more and nothing less than children.
Before trusting your children to some self-proclaimed "spiritual leader", talk with your doctor and perhaps with someone of your own Church.
Remember also that the Web is full of predators. Do not feed them with your privacy or your money, or both.

The Watchers

Sunday, April 18, 2010

UFO Hall of Shame and Hall of Fame.

What is it?
Nothing more or less than the best Internet Guide of charlatans, swindlers and hoaxers.
Pay a visit and read about them.

UFO Hall of Shame

Also, you will find names and backgrounds of serious, honest individuals that are a benefit to the UFO research community in the UFO Hall of Fame.

UFO Hall of Fame

I wish you all the best. Be Happy and Well


Friday, April 16, 2010

Fwd: Nothing Human is Good.

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 6:12 PM
Subject: Nothing Human is Good.

The "teachings" of the self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth always have the same meaning: Nothing Human is good.

We, humans, are just products of alien genetics. The Big Brothers from Space manipulated us, humans, apparently without success.

All our Human Spiritual Leaders are not humans at all. They are 'cosmic-visitors".

Boylan gives us names:  Jesus, Buddha, Moises...all of them were ETs, not humans. What can we expect from humanity?

And who are the humans who deserve the best? Who are those belonging to the Superior Race? Not humans at all, but star/seeds. For the Councilor, NOTHING human is good.

There are abductions? The responsible are not the Aliens but...humans...psyops, the Cabal, the Shadow Government.

However, you shouldn't worry. Perhaps you are not human after all, hallelujah, perhaps you are a star/seed..!

We, humans, destroy our planet, but...fortunately, the Altimarians are here to "fix" it. ( The truth is that they didn't do a lot, I'm afraid. Paradoxically they were interested in human girls after all...asking for photos.)

Worst, our planet, our Mother Earth is presented as a mass murderer. The Councilor of Earth writes that Gaia needs to kill several thousands heal herself..Also, we must NOT use our "powers of compassion" to stop the Earthquakes..!

This is a sinister double attack against Humanity and against Earth.
She must kill people ( poor, innocent Haitians and Chileans and Tibetans) and we must "let her do it".

The Councilor of Darkness always remember us that nothing human is good, nothing born in our Earth is good. The good things are always alien. Nothing good is produced by Mother Earth without the "help" of the Extraterrestrials.

Daughters of Mother Earth.

Fwd: Heaven's Gate UFO Cult.

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Heaven's Gate UFO Cult.

The Heaven's Gate: UFO cult that ended in mass suicide.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fwd: Our Advice to Worried Parents.

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:58 PM
Subject: Our Advice to Worried Parents.

Richard Boylan, who is a typical Cult Leader, demands FAITH in his "followers". Consequently we MUST believe that it's true that bewildered parents send letters like this one to the ex-doctor, now Councilor of Earth.
Please, believe what he says or you will be condemned as a Cabalist.


   I get letters all the time from bewildered parents. I thought I'd share a typical letter, and my reply, with you.>

Let's read the letter of the bewildered father.

 < Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 6:42 PM
To: drboylan@sbcglobal. net
Subject: How do I know he's a Star Kid?>

<Dear Dr. Boylan,
I am writing you to tell you a little about my son, Chase.  He recently started displaying some strange/unusual behaviors after a non-life-threatenin g fall where he fractured the first vertebrae of his neck.
Chase is a four year old and a non-identical twin.

Since his accident he has been talking about events that we (he and I) haven't done, but he swears we have.  He speaks as if the events were sometime long ago and they usually involve me taking him somewhere special or doing something special with him and his brother.  He also has told me, on more than one occasion, that he has "magic powers".  I did the "Uh huh, Oh I see" for some time, until yesterday.

Yesterday my elderly father was with my son and accidently locked his keys in the house.  He didn't have a key to the truck, or the home.  They called me to come and let them in, but I told my Dad that he could have Chase go thru the doggie door and open the door.  When he made the suggestion to Chase he said "I can't do that, but I can open the door".  My son walked to the back door (a sliding glass door which was locked) and said something under his breath, and my father said he witnessed the latch open.  My son then opened the door.
On top of that, my father replaced the batteries in a game that my son wanted to play desperately.  The game was broken.  The new batteries didn't fix the problem.  My father said Chase stared deeply at the game, put his hand on it, and soon after he said he fixed it.  My father then turned it on and it worked!!  Needless to say... We are starting to be a bit bewildered.

How do we explain these things and how do I, as his parent, react appropriately? ?  I myself have only had a few instances of any phenomenon (i.e. once I predicted a car wreck, I then predicted my first son was very ill and I needed to have a C-Section, and upon conception of my last pregnancy I knew it was twins).  None of which I have ever considered true pre-cog.

When questioned about this he gets a gaze in his eyes, as if he is looking beyond me.  He tells me he has magic powers and they are in his belly.  He tells me it's like a magic key is inside him.  He doesn't really seem to want to talk about these "powers", but he believes in them whole heartedly.  He once told me the "trees" gave them to him.

Just curious what you would recommend for my situation.  If you can offer any advice, I would be so appreciative.
Sincerely,      >>>


Here we have Boylan's answer to this worried father:

<I replied:
Dear K______,>

  < It can be bewildering, perplexing, and even a bit unsettling to be the parent of a Star Kid.
   The trauma of the fall and fracture which Chase experienced may have jolted and accelerated the emergence of his psychic and other Star Kid abilities but don't rule out his twin either, who also is one, (but whose abilities have apparently not yet emerged or perhaps not yet been recognized.
   And how about you, Kim, who reluctantly acknowledge that you have precognition (and likely other, unrecognized abilities)?
   I have worked with Star Kids (and Star Seed adults) who have done everything you've seen Chase do, and more.
   Chase is only four so his explanation of how he does these things is in the imaginative and somewhat over-concrete imagery of a small child.
   I have attached an article describing these and other abilities and characteristics of Star Kids.
   You ask, "How do I explain his abilities, and how do I as a parent react appropriately? "
   I have written a book, (free, on-line), Star Kids: the Emerging Cosmic Generation, at: www.drboylan. com/starkidspdf. pdf
   You should especially read Chapter 12, "Parents of Star Kids: What Do We Do Now?", and Chapter 13, "Proper Education For Star Kids".
   Since it appears that you may be a Star Seed,  I am sending you two items via links.
You can see and take the Star Kid/Star Seed Identification Questionnaire (SKIQ), and read the brief companion explanatory article by going to: www.drboylan. com/starkididqst nr.html and to: www.drboylan. com/strkidsigns. html
   After you read these and take the Questionnaire, see about applying the SKIQ to Chase (allowing for his young age).
   Let me know your overall SKIQ score, and Chase's, and perhaps his twin's), and I will have some additional information for you.
    in the light,
    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.>

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
drboylan@sbcglobal. net
www.drboylan. com/
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009 USA>>

Let us see now, our advice to the worried father of the"star/kid"

What you, dear K, should do is to PRINT your letter and Councilor's answer, and with both pay a visit to your family doctor or pediatrician.
(show this to your Doctor)

Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 (via

He or she is an AUTHORIZED practitioner, and will give you a RATIONAL answer about your kids and your family.
And please, remember this: DO NOT SEND MONEY to representatives of Cosmic Visitors or self-proclaimed Earth Councilors or Incarnated Mantises.

Destructive Cults Watchers.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Are these the "enemies" of Gaia, Councilor?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Are these the "enemies" of Gaia, Councilor?

<AP - A series of strong earthquakes struck a mountainous Tibetan area of western China on Wednesday, killing at least 400 people and injuring more than 10,000 as houses made of mud and wood collapsed, officials said. Many more people were trapped, and the toll was expected to rise.>

Are these the "enemies" of Mother Earth, Councilor? Poor people in Tibet who are totally innocent and live  in contact with Earth, loving Her?
You must know, since yo told us what Gaia needs to do this things for "healing". After all you are the Councilor of Earth.., aren't you?

The Watchers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Greetings to you

Greetings to you, Read & Reply

With urgent attention!!!! In order to transfer out (Fifteen-million pounds sterlings) (?5,000,000.00} from our bank here in London. I have the courage to look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable of performing this transaction. I believe that you will never let me down either now or in future. I am Mr. James Crosby the Chief Executive Director of a bank here in Scotland United Kingdom.There is an account that was opened in this bank since, the account has been inactive, due to the death of the owner of the account. After going through some old files in the records, I discovered that if the money is not transfered immediately, it will be omitted.

The owner of this account was Mr John Hughes, a foreigner from Australia and the manager of petro chemical service, here in London, a chemical engineer by profession. He has died since opening the account.And since then nobody knew about this account.The account has no other beneficiary and the money involved is {?5,000,000.00} Fifteen Million pounds sterlings. Kindly reply to me stating your interest, and I shall give you the details and necessary proceedure to make the transfer.I await your response,You can contact me with this email address(

Thanks and i await your soonest reply. (

Warmest regards,
Mr.Williams Offner,
Executive Director,
Bank Of Scotland Plc.


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3 different tablets are currently avai utvgf lable from the doc bgzxy tor and these work when there is se v xual stimul rndklu ation. Depe s nding on the treatment, it will need to be taken 20 minutes to 1 hour before se gm x and the period of time over which it works can vary between 3 hours and up to 36 hours.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

"Councilor of Earth" Richard Boylan's background.

Dr. Richard Boylan, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth, is a former California psychologist who had his state psychology license revoked back in 1995 over allegations of improper sexual interaction with female patients in his hot tub (hydro 'therapy'?). He still uses the title doctor, even though he is not legally licensed for metal therapy anymore.

Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. (PSY 10047)
Sacramento, CA
B&P Code §2960(j). Gross negligence in the practice of psychology. Decision effective August 4, 1995. License revoked.

Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 (via

Not a "doctor" anymore.

This is not an April Fools post, although it should be.

Dr. Richard Boylan is a former California psychologist who had his state psychology license revoked back in 1995 over allegations of improper sexual interaction with female patients in his hot tub (hydro 'therapy'?). He still uses the title doctor, even though he is not legally licensed for mental therapy anymore.

Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. (PSY 10047)
Sacramento, CA
Interim Suspension Order issued June 3, 1994 - no practice. Partial stay granted July 21, 1994 - may treat male patients only.

Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. (PSY 10047)
Sacramento, CA
B&P Code §2960(j). Gross negligence in the practice of psychology. Decision effective August 4, 1995. License revoked.

When we last checked in on the revoked Doctor, we found him peddling various oddities, such as helping your Space Alien Child adapt to life on Earth.

Never fear, he now assures us with a straight face
It is my pleasure and joy to announce that the 12 environmental scientists from the planet Altimar have now arrived on Earth.

Oh Joy ....

SEE: Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 (via

See also this link

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Re: Mother Earth, Daughter of the Source.

Quit stalking like a troll.
Why don't you just start your own Yahoo Group "cult" and quit wasting everyone's and your own time!
We don't care what you are saying and it's all going into our spam folders anyway.
Stop harrassing people please.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
— Martin Luther King, Jr

From: Ezra Frenkell <>
To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HGN53K@AOL.COM;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Sent: Mon, April 12, 2010 2:25:27 AM
Subject: Mother Earth, Daughter of the Source.

In his post about Gaia and justifiable Catastrophes, Dr.Boylan tells us that the Earth has the right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people under the authority of the 11.11 laws, as the Source has set forth, to preserve her life and well-being by necessary measures.

The question to this enormity is: Why the killing of houndreds of thousands of poor people in Hawaii preserves live and well being of Earth.?
Why not choosing the responsible of the Earth pains instead of innocent women, children and men?
How does the self-proclaimed "councilor of Earth knows what the Source has set forth for Gaia?

Also, the Councilor let us know that ...
"The loss of life in the abstract, vegetative, animal or Human, can be said to be "unfortunate" .
    However, it is the nature of life to have an ending point. The deaths that can be said to be unfortunate are the ones resulting from injustice or human carelessness or apathy."

Carelessness and apathy come from Washington, and London, and Paris, not from Haiti. The rich and powerful that belong to the Cabal, never are affected by earthquakes and natural catastrophes. Why this gentleman makes Mother Earth responsible for so much pain and suffering of those who doesn't hurt Her?
In a fatalist and authoritarian rhetoric, Boylan states that :

 " Not everything that happens on Earth can be stopped. Or even should be stopped."

In other words, if you, people, have the power to save thousands of lives, but you should NOT do it...
He insists:

 "Further, you shouldn't stop a necessary earthquake even if you could.''
"Just because we have psychic abilities doesn't mean that we should use them in every situation."

Even if you are powerful enough to save hundreds of thousands , you should NOT do it.
The question is this: Who is this self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth to speak in the name of the Source or in the name of Mother Earth?
Who is Boylan to tell you that Mother Earth wants to kill her sons?
This is the Ideology of Genocide.
There is not a single drop of Love and Compassion in these words.
These are the words of Darkness, not of Light.
There is no greatest "cabalist" that this self-proclaimed "Councilor of Earth"
Mother Earth, Daughter of the Source, have mercy on him.


The Councilor of Earth loves the Earthquakes.

In his post in UFOfacts about Gaia and justifiable Catastrophes, Dr.Boylan tells us that Gaia, the Earth has the right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people under the authority of the 11.11 laws, as the Source has set forth, to preserve her life and well-being by necessary measures.

The question to this enormity is: Why the killing of hundreds of thousands of poor people in Hawaii preserves live and well being of Earth.?
Why not choosing the responsible of the Earth pains instead of innocent women, children and men?
How does the self-proclaimed "councilor of Earth knows what the Source has set forth for Gaia?

Also, the Councilor let us know that "The loss of life in the abstract, vegetative, animal or Human, can be said to be "unfortunate" .
    However it is the nature of life to have an ending point. The deaths that can be said to be unfortunate are the ones resulting from injustice or human carelessness or apathy."

Carelessness and apathy come from Washington, and London, and Paris, not from Haiti. The rich and powerful that belong to the Cabal, never are affected by earthquakes and natural catastrophes. Why this gentleman makes Mother Earth responsible for so much pain and suffering of those who doesn't hurt Her?
In a fatalist and authoritarian rhetoric, Boylan states that :
 " Not everything that happens on Earth can be stopped. Or even should be stopped."
In other words, if you, people, have the power to save thousands of lives, you should not do it...
He insists: "Further, you shouldn't stop a necessary earthquake even if you could.''
"Just because we have psychic abilities doesn't mean that we should use them in every situation."
Even if you are powerful enough to save hundreds of thousands, you should NOT do it.
The question is this: Who is this self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth to speak in the name of the Source or in the name of Mother Earth?
Who is Boylan to tell you that Mother Earth wants to kill his sons?
This is the Ideology of Genocide.
There is not a single drop of Love and Compassion in these words.
These are the words of Darkness, not of Light.
There is no greatest "cabalist" that this self-proclaimed "Councilor of Earth"
Mother Earth, Daughter of the Source, have mercy on him.



Mother Earth, Daughter of the Source.

In his post about Gaia and justifiable Catastrophes, Dr.Boylan tells us that the Earth has the right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people under the authority of the 11.11 laws, as the Source has set forth, to preserve her life and well-being by necessary measures.

The question to this enormity is: Why the killing of houndreds of thousands of poor people in Hawaii preserves live and well being of Earth.?
Why not choosing the responsible of the Earth pains instead of innocent women, children and men?
How does the self-proclaimed "councilor of Earth knows what the Source has set forth for Gaia?

Also, the Councilor let us know that ...
"The loss of life in the abstract, vegetative, animal or Human, can be said to be "unfortunate" .
    However, it is the nature of life to have an ending point. The deaths that can be said to be unfortunate are the ones resulting from injustice or human carelessness or apathy."

Carelessness and apathy come from Washington, and London, and Paris, not from Haiti. The rich and powerful that belong to the Cabal, never are affected by earthquakes and natural catastrophes. Why this gentleman makes Mother Earth responsible for so much pain and suffering of those who doesn't hurt Her?
In a fatalist and authoritarian rhetoric, Boylan states that :

 " Not everything that happens on Earth can be stopped. Or even should be stopped."

In other words, if you, people, have the power to save thousands of lives, but you should NOT do it...
He insists:

 "Further, you shouldn't stop a necessary earthquake even if you could.''
"Just because we have psychic abilities doesn't mean that we should use them in every situation."

Even if you are powerful enough to save hundreds of thousands , you should NOT do it.
The question is this: Who is this self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth to speak in the name of the Source or in the name of Mother Earth?
Who is Boylan to tell you that Mother Earth wants to kill her sons?
This is the Ideology of Genocide.
There is not a single drop of Love and Compassion in these words.
These are the words of Darkness, not of Light.
There is no greatest "cabalist" that this self-proclaimed "Councilor of Earth"
Mother Earth, Daughter of the Source, have mercy on him.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boylan against our Earth.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 4:22 AM
Subject: Boylan against our Earth.

Dear people
Earthquakes are natural catastrophes.
The insinuation that Mother Earth "killed" 300 thousand poor Haitians for "healing" is  monstrous.
Dr. Boylan will soon ask us to perform animal sacrifices to "pacify" Gaia.
This hate against Earth is coherent with Boylan's ideology.
Extraterrestrials are always "better" that Humans.
Humans are genetically designed by Aliens.
Our Earth kills innocent people for "healing".
The substance of Boylan's message is  DEHUMANIZATION.
WE are also the Earth, and very proud of it.
Boylan's hypothesis turns Gaia into a cruel, vindictive Goddess.
That is his "message"
Christ and all the spiritual leaders of Humanity are aliens.
Nothing Human is good for this self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth.
It looks like Boylan is the Cabals Great Master.

We Love Humanity. We love Earth.
The Watchers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dr. Salla on Ascended Masters and Extraterrestrials

My Comments to Dr. Salla Examiner's Article

Dr. Salla on Ascended Masters and Extraterrestrials

James Black says:
How to find a word to describe all this nonsense? Pathetic, perhaps, yes, and pitiful, and infinitely repetitive.
Again and again, the same lies, discredited claims, trivia, ghosts created by self-deception, or deliberate disinformation. but no, because probably any disinformation agency would do something better than this "new" article written by a man who was, ten years ago, an academic.
What we can learn from this? A few things.
The most important is that any exopolitical adventure ends in a New Age Cult...or worst.
In Ufology, there is one Saturnine monster that eats his own sons. Is the Nothing Happens Syndrome.
So, let us recognize these Aliens EXISTENCE is only TEXTsistence.
Ghostly aliens, ascended masters, impossible angels or demons are just words. The pathetic dream of those who doesn't have the courage to be HUMANS. Nothing more but nothing less than HUMANS. April 10, 4:52 PM

James Black says:
Let me write something more. After watching the nauseous "Ascended Masters Meditation" , I found that the whole thing is not only stupid and preposterous, but RACIST.
No Blacks? No Indians? ...NO...just nice , WHITE, handsome "masters".
Salla, please...give us a break, and SHAME ON THE EXAMINER.
The Svastica is next? April 10, 5:04 PM




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:08 PM

Are we ready for SELF-DECEPTION?

We are if the answer to next questions is YES.

   1. misperceive random data and see patterns where there are none;

   2. misinterpret incomplete or unrepresentative data and give extra attention to confirmatory data while drawing conclusions without attending to or seeking out disconfirmatory data;

   3. make biased evaluations of ambiguous or inconsistent data, tending to be uncritical of supportive data and very critical of unsupportive data.


Communal reinforcement is the process by which a claim becomes a strong belief through repeated assertion by members of a community. The process is independent of whether the claim has been properly researched or is supported by empirical data.

 Every cult leader knows the value of communal reinforcement combined with isolating cult members from contrary ideas.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:08 PM

Are we ready for SELF-DECEPTION?

We are if the answer to next questions is YES.

   1. misperceive random data and see patterns where there are none;

   2. misinterpret incomplete or unrepresentative data and give extra attention to confirmatory data while drawing conclusions without attending to or seeking out dis-confirmatory data;

   3. make biased evaluations of ambiguous or inconsistent data, tending to be uncritical of supportive data and very critical of unsupportive data.


Communal reinforcement is the process by which a claim becomes a strong belief through repeated assertion by members of a community. The process is independent of whether the claim has been properly researched or is supported by empirical data.

 Every cult leader knows the value of communal reinforcement combined with isolating cult members from contrary ideas.

Fwd: PROPHETS and Earthquakes: How it works.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 3:07 PM
Subject: PROPHETS: How it work.

Dear people
Let's consider this: The Councilor of Earth and the Incarnated Mantis announce
a Big Earthquake, specifying place and date.

The Natural phenomenon becomes now a cleansing activity of Gaia, the Earth,
Of course, the members of the Cult must decide if it is good to stop the Earthquake with their miraculous Psychic Power.

CONSEQUENTLY: If there is an Earthquake as "predicted", the self-proclaimed councilors were right.
On the Contrary, if there is no Earthquake, this shows the psychic power of the group.
Also, if there is some minor Earthquake, the Councilor will tell the believers that Gaia was softened by the psychic exercise.
IN ALL CASES, the trivial trick works.

Of course, it works only when credulity is absolute, and when RATIONAL THINKING is dead because the mind of the "believer" is totally under the control of the "guru".


Cult Watchers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Cults control the Information.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 2:33 AM
Subject: How Cults control the Information.

Those who control the information control the person. In a mind control cult any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it. Only information supplied by the cult is true. One cult labels any information against it as "persecution" or "spiritual pornography", another cult calls it "apostate literature" and will expel you from the group if you are caught with it. Cults train their members to instantly destroy any critical information given to them, and to not even entertain the thought that the information could be true.

Common sense tells us that a person who does not consider all information may make an unbalanced decision. Filtering the information available or trying to discredit it not on the basis of how true it is, but rather on the basis of how it supports the party line, is a common control method used throughout history.

Destructive Cults Watch

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Psychologist self-proclaimed "Councilor of Earth" creates Anxiety and Fear.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Psychologist creates Anxiety.

Read below the "prophesies" of this man. (read antecedents included below.)
Fear, Anxiety, Hate, are the preferred tools of liars, controllers, and self proclaimed "Councilors".

RE: [UFOFacts] Gaia's movements for healing
DrBoylan <>


      Here is the entire information, updated.
   My close associate Fran has seen/been told that there will be a monster quake along the Appalachians in 2011 that will cause enormous damage.
   According to my energy signature readings, the Mega-Quake will have a very large fore-shock on Sunday, September 4, 2011, (which some people will think is the Big One. But it is not.)
   The Big One(s) will happen on Mon.-Tues.-Wedns. September 5-6-7, 2011, with a big After-Shock on Thurs., Sept. 8, in a series of enormous shakings that will be felt along much of the length of the Appalachians (which stretch from Maine to Georgia.)
   According to my energy reading, the epicenter will be to the southwest of Roanoke, Virginia under the ridgeline of the Appalachian Mountains there.  http://rhodesmill. org/thefox/ maps/at4. jpg   But to speak of an epicenter is almost meaningless, given the enormous size and expanse of this upcoming mega-earthquake.
   Fran has indicated that the strength of this earthquake is so large that its effects will stretch out to the Atlantic Seaboard, and likely occasion destructive tidal waves/tsunamis along a considerable portion of the Atlantic Coast facing the Appalachians.
   Therefore it will be possible that damaging surges will occur in Chesapeake Bay, affecting Washington, DC and Baltimore; along Delaware Bay affecting Philadelphia; and along New York Bay and Long Island Sound, possibly affecting JFK Airport and low-lying portions of Manhattan.
   If the monster Appalachian Quake should trigger reactive massive slope failures of unstable seaside Cumbre Vieja Volcano in La Palma, Canary Islands, then that enormous seaslide would generate additional tsunamis of wave heights of 40-50 meters (roughly 150 feet high) hitting the coasts of Florida, outer Caribbean islands and Brazil. www.drgeorgepc. com/TsunamiMegaE valuation. html
   Mother Earth is hurting. Fran has indicated that this is a natural event, necessary for Gaia/Mother Earth to adjust and equilibrate in the face of the damage done to her, including the epically-ruinous massive mountaintop- removal and other coal mining occurring along the Appalachians. Thus this mega-quake is not something anyone should try to prevent or minimize by psychic means. We have to learn to accept and learn from the natural consequences of our collective Human behavior and choices.
   Perhaps next year's Appalachian Mega-Quake will be the occasion for us and the Obama Administration to move dramatically away from reliance on carbon-based fuel and power, including coal. Maybe not. I hope it does.
   If the Administration uses the Mega-Quake as a basis to declassify and release clean, non-polluting Zero Point Energy technology to the public, then all the suffering and loss that will attend the Appalachian Great Quake will not have been in vain.

    in the light,

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

But, who is the "Councilor of Earth?". Follow link, please.



Fwd: Psychologist creates Anxiety.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 6:29 PM, <> wrote:
Read below the "prophesies" of this man. (read antecedents included.)
Fear, Anxiety, Hate, are the preferred tools of liars, controllers, and self proclaimed "Councilors".

RE: [UFOFacts] Gaia's movements for healing
DrBoylan <>


      Here is the entire information, updated.
   My close associate Fran has seen/been told that there will be a monster quake along the Appalachians in 2011 that will cause enormous damage.
   According to my energy signature readings, the Mega-Quake will have a very large fore-shock on Sunday, September 4, 2011, (which some people will think is the Big One. But it is not.)
   The Big One(s) will happen on Mon.-Tues.-Wedns. September 5-6-7, 2011, with a big After-Shock on Thurs., Sept. 8, in a series of enormous shakings that will be felt along much of the length of the Appalachians (which stretch from Maine to Georgia.)
   According to my energy reading, the epicenter will be to the southwest of Roanoke, Virginia under the ridgeline of the Appalachian Mountains there.  http://rhodesmill. org/thefox/ maps/at4. jpg   But to speak of an epicenter is almost meaningless, given the enormous size and expanse of this upcoming mega-earthquake.
   Fran has indicated that the strength of this earthquake is so large that its effects will stretch out to the Atlantic Seaboard, and likely occasion destructive tidal waves/tsunamis along a considerable portion of the Atlantic Coast facing the Appalachians.
   Therefore it will be possible that damaging surges will occur in Chesapeake Bay, affecting Washington, DC and Baltimore; along Delaware Bay affecting Philadelphia; and along New York Bay and Long Island Sound, possibly affecting JFK Airport and low-lying portions of Manhattan.
   If the monster Appalachian Quake should trigger reactive massive slope failures of unstable seaside Cumbre Vieja Volcano in La Palma, Canary Islands, then that enormous seaslide would generate additional tsunamis of wave heights of 40-50 meters (roughly 150 feet high) hitting the coasts of Florida, outer Caribbean islands and Brazil. www.drgeorgepc. com/TsunamiMegaE valuation. html
   Mother Earth is hurting. Fran has indicated that this is a natural event, necessary for Gaia/Mother Earth to adjust and equilibrate in the face of the damage done to her, including the epically-ruinous massive mountaintop- removal and other coal mining occurring along the Appalachians. Thus this mega-quake is not something anyone should try to prevent or minimize by psychic means. We have to learn to accept and learn from the natural consequences of our collective Human behavior and choices.
   Perhaps next year's Appalachian Mega-Quake will be the occasion for us and the Obama Administration to move dramatically away from reliance on carbon-based fuel and power, including coal. Maybe not. I hope it does.
   If the Administration uses the Mega-Quake as a basis to declassify and release clean, non-polluting Zero Point Energy technology to the public, then all the suffering and loss that will attend the Appalachian Great Quake will not have been in vain.

    in the light,

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

But, who is the "Councilor of Earth?". Follow link, please.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bravo, Dr. Boylan,


This is serious Ufological and Astrobiological Research

     This news story from the Washington Post of five months ago remains timely.
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

When E.T. phones the pope

By Marc Kaufman
Sunday, November 8, 2009

ROME -- A little more than a half-mile from the Vatican, in a square called Campo de' Fiori, stands a large statue of a brooding monk. Few of the shoppers and tourists wandering through the fruit-and-vegetable market below may know his story; he is Giordano Bruno, a Renaissance philosopher, writer and free-thinker who was burned at the stake by the Inquisition in 1600. Among his many heresies was his belief in a "plurality of worlds" -- in extraterrestrial life, in aliens.

Though it's a bit late for Bruno, he might take satisfaction in knowing that this week the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first major conference on astrobiology, the new science that seeks to find life elsewhere in the cosmos and to understand how it began on Earth. Convened on private Vatican grounds in the elegant Casina Pio IV, formerly the pope's villa, the unlikely gathering of prominent scientists and religious leaders shows that some of the most tradition-bound faiths are seriously contemplating the possibility that life exists in myriad forms beyond this planet. Astrobiology has arrived, and religious and social institutions -- even the Vatican -- are taking note.

Father Jose Funes, a Jesuit astronomer, director of the centuries-old Vatican Observatory and a driving force behind the conference, suggested in an interview last year that the possibility of "brother extraterrestrials" poses no problem for Catholic theology. "As a multiplicity of creatures exists on Earth, so there could be other beings, also intelligent, created by God," Funes explained. "This does not conflict with our faith because we cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God."

Yet, as Bruno might attest, the notion of life beyond Earth does not easily coexist with the "truths" that many people hold dear. Just as the Copernican revolution forced us to understand that Earth is not the center of the universe, the logic of astrobiologists points in a similarly unsettling direction: to the likelihood that we are not alone, and perhaps that we are not even the most advanced creatures in the universe. This may not "conflict with our faith," but it may conflict with the stories we tell about who and what we are.

The Vatican's five-day conference is chaired by the religious leader of the highly regarded Academy, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo. Scientists (many of them nonbelievers) are offering presentations on subjects as varied as how life might have begun on Earth; what newly found "extremophile" microbes living in harsh places on our planet might tell us about possible life on others; and how life forms might be detected in our solar system, or how their bio-signatures might be found on and around the many distant exoplanets.

Having overcome the giggle factor of most things extraterrestrial, astrobiologists are telling a scientific story to an audience that may someday use it to defend -- or enhance -- its faith.

The Catholic Church isn't the only institution preparing itself for what could be a world-changing event. For instance, NASA's National Astrobiology Institute, established in 1998, sponsored a meeting of scientists, ethicists, religious leaders and philosophers in February to brainstorm about the societal implications of astrobiology, and it is preparing a semiofficial "road map" of sensitive issues we'd need to address should the presence of life elsewhere be established.

Initial extraterrestrial discoveries -- which many scientists believe are on the horizon, if not yet in reach -- are likely to be of microbial life just below the parched surface of Mars, in the waters of Jupiter's moon Europa under its thick crust of ice or in the liquid plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus. Though it will be easy to dismiss extraterrestrial microbes as unthreatening to anyone's worldview, cosmologists and astrobiologists generally contend that the existence of two separate geneses in one solar system would enormously increase the probability that life is commonplace in the universe. And as we know, under the right conditions microbes can evolve over eons to become dinosaurs, hummingbirds and us.

The possibility of extraterrestrial life is not much of an issue for Eastern religions, which tend to be less Earth-centric. Islam also has little problem with extraterrestrials because the Koran speaks explicitly of life beyond Earth, as do some newer Christian groups such as Mormons. It is in mainstream Western religious traditions, in which humans and God are central, where astrobiology poses the biggest challenge.

"I think the discovery of a second genesis would be of enormous spiritual significance, " says Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist from Arizona State University who is speaking at the Vatican conference. He believes the potential challenge to Christianity in particular "is being downplayed" by religious leaders.

"The real threat would come from the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence, because if there are beings elsewhere in the universe, then Christians, they're in this horrible bind. They believe that God became incarnate in the form of Jesus Christ in order to save humankind, not dolphins or chimpanzees or little green men on other planets."

Davies explained the tensions within the Catholic Church: "If you look back at the history of Christian debate on this, it divides into two camps. There are those that believe that it is human destiny to bring salvation to the aliens, and those who believe in multiple incarnations, " he said, referencing the belief that Christ could have appeared on other planets at other times. "The multiple incarnations is a heresy in Catholicism. " (As Giordano Bruno learned.)

Many Protestant scholars agree with Funes, saying that the discovery of extraterrestrial life would not pose a major challenge to their faith or theology, especially if it was not intelligent or morally aware. But on the evangelical side, there is a deep concern, one reminiscent of the battles over evolution. "My theological perspective is that E.T. life would actually make a mockery of the very reason Christ came to die for our sins, for our redemption," Gary Bates, head of Atlanta-based Creation Ministries International, told me recently in a critique of the Vatican conference. Bates believes that "the entire focus of creation is mankind on this Earth" and that intelligent, morally aware extraterrestrial life would undermine that view and belief in the incarnation, resurrection and redemption drama so central to the faith. "It is a huge problem that many Christians have not really thought about," he said.

The big question involves intelligent life. Astronomers say there are something like 10,000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000 stars in the known universe, and more planets are discovered orbiting some of them all the time. (On one day last month, the European Space Agency announced the discovery of 32 new extra-solar planets.) It is increasingly difficult to assume that our sun and planet are the only ones capable of supporting complex and evolved life -- the kind of life that Christians might assume would be in need of salvation. Questions inevitably follow: Are Christianity and, to some extent, other religions only stories about life on Earth? And if they are not "universal" in a cosmic sense, does that diminish their significance?

Thus the conference on astrobiology at the Vatican -- an institution that got Copernicus, Galileo and other men of science wrong and doesn't want to do that again. In the words of Pierre Lena, a French astrophysicist and member of the Pontifical Academy who pressed for the astrobiology conference: "Astrobiology is a mature science that says very interesting things that could change the vision humanity has of itself. The church cannot be indifferent to that."

Funes, an earnest priest-scientist with a wry sense of humor, seemed a bit nonplussed last week about the worldwide attention that his "brother extraterrestrials" comments from last year and the astrobiology conference have drawn. Speaking to me from the new Vatican Observatory headquarters outside Rome -- the church also operates a telescope in Arizona -- he didn't retract his statements or express regret about them, and said he has not been chastised by higher-ups at the Vatican.

But he did emphasize that he was not speaking officially for the church, even though his 2008 interview ran on the front page of the official Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. The church, he said, has no official position on extraterrestrial life or on theological issues it might raise. Just as some people write science fiction, Funes said with a mischievous smile, he is attracted to "theological fiction" -- what might become important religiously if life beyond Earth is discovered someday.

"There's no need for the church to speak on this point now," he said. "But yes, that could certainly change."

Marc Kaufman, a science and space reporter for The Washington Post, is on leave writing a book about astrobiology.