From: <>
Date: Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:43 PM
Subject: Can't fool all the people all the time.
It's true that nobody posts messages in UFOfacts, but why?
Dr Richard Boylan has an answer for this "silence". The "cabal "is manipulating those messages that never "see the light" in his group.
But also President Abraham Lincoln had an answer: he said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time"
He was right. The problem is that liars despise the same people who believe in those lies.
They think that they are Masters of some asylum and they have power over those "poor idiots".
However, sometimes the asylum is empty and The "patients" runaway. They need fresh air. They need freedom, they need TRUTH. They are intelligent people who think.
But there is something more about the silence in UFOfacts. Call it Karma. Remember that NOBODY gets away with his wrongdoings.
Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice.
Yes, always the cabal is responsible. (Remembers me those criminals that justify themselves: "the Devil make me do it..!)
It's particularly repulsive to justify our own abuses pointing at some mysterious external Forces. But truth is that we all must pay our debts.
Dr. Boylan, you talk too much about things, events that never happen, Star Nations shows, Earthquakes, you name it.
You are always wrong. ", "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time"
About that lack of messages in your UFOfacts group, the mystery is solved, "Councilor of Earth". People wants something else. They are tired of your messages of hate and paranoia. They know that you are always wrong.
People want Truth, Honesty, and a clean background. You have nothing to give them. "Councilor". Nothing at all.
Concerned Parents.